Why You Should Consider Mosaic Tilles For Your Hallway!

Why Choose Mosaic Tiles for Your Hall?

Mosaic hall tiles offer decisive ways of making your hallway a distinctive, decorative showpiece.The hall is a space that connects other rooms and is typically the first part of a home’s interior that you encounter. Therefore, it makes sense to maximise the effectiveness of this space when you decorate it.You can achieve this using mosaic tiles.

Is the Hallway Underrated?

People tend not to see the hall as significant. It gets relegated to a kind of secondary status. People group it in with the stairs and landing, as a single entity. But underrate your hall, and you’re missing an opportunity to elevate your whole home with some well-chosen design features. Because the hallway is functional, we tend to take it for granted. It is a between-space. But you do have the option to transform it into something so much more. The hallway only started to become a common feature in buildings in the late 17th century. The first person thought to have introduced this feature was the English architect John Thorpe.

Some of the factors leading to the invention of the hall or corridor were socio-economic. These spaces could separate various occupants in a building from each other. For example, servants from their employers. The use of hallways helped create and maintain privacy.

Most homes have hallways of some kind. Some lack natural light and feel purely functional. They have the potential, however, to become something more.

Making an Entrance

First impressions count, and your hall is where you make these first impressions for your home. Why then is the hallway often the last item on anyone’s to-do list when it comes to design and decoration? It may be something to do with the history of the hallway that we mentioned earlier, and how functional it was.Nowadays, the hallmarks the entry point into the interior of a home and, as such, it needs the same eye for detail applying to it as other areas of the house.

In fact, because the hall is a place of transition, this gives you far greater freedom to experiment and stretch out with your design scheme. You can use it to create a keen sense of anticipation. You can afford to be bold with your decisions.What part can mosaic hall tiles play in this exciting and intriguing design scheme?

HoM Mosaics


Porto £13.99 per tile, £153.89 per square metre, Ibiza £14.99 per tile, £164.89 per square meter and Lisbon £13.99 per tile, £153.89 per square meter

Designing with Mosaic Hall Tiles

There are several key things you consider before designing with mosaic tiles:

  • First, many hallways are naturally quite dark, with little or no window light, so think about the colours you could use to add a natural brightness to the space
  • Next, consider ways of accentuating the available space, to make the hall look wider and longer
  • Finally, where you need to use the hallway for storage, look at how you can make this streamlined and space-saving.

Your choice of tiles can help with all these issues. Choose a contrasting light and dark tile pattern for your hall floor. This will create a sense of space and help the hallway feel lighter. There are plenty of options for this, such as bold and bright Moroccan designs, or white or pale grey tiles contrasting with bolder blues and golds. If, however, you are blessed with a naturally lighter hall area, then you could work with tonally warmer tile shades, such as copper or terracotta.

Consider wall features, and whether you want to use mosaic tiles to accentuate parts of your hall, or to create more immersive feature walls.Here, you can blur the distinction between design and art, using colourful mosaic tiles to create reflective surfaces that lighten the hall and give it the illusion of greater depth at the same time.

The little touches can be as important as the bigger statements. Where you have storage areas, such as alcoves or cupboards, you can turn these into features by applying mosaic tiles to them – either as recessed walls or on cupboard doors.

Be open to new ideas. The hallway is the first place your visitors will encounter, it sets the tone for how they experience your home.

HoM Mosaics


Geo Moroccan Large £14.99 per tile, £164.89 per square metre, Florence Luxe £16.99 per tile, £186.89 per square metre and Copper Antwerp £12.99 per tile, £142.89 per square metre

Why Tiles Work for Your Hall

When you’re redecorating, don’t just focus on different rooms. The areas in between deserve as much attention as your home’s other features. Using tiles, you can create a hall with personality, but you’re also keeping it functional. Tiles are easy to clean and maintain, and they don’t start looking tired like a hall carpet.

They can be both decorative and functional and it’s important that you explore your options fully. With a broad colour palette and range of styles available, you can brighten up your hallway but also ensure that it feels warm and inviting.

If you’re looking for inspiration for mosaic tiles for your hall, browse our collection, and if you want more information, then please call us on 01727 839920 or email enquiries@houseofmosaics.co.uk


Hints/tips/faqs & guidesInterior design trendsMosaic tiles

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