
All That Glitters and Shimmers

23 products

Showing 1 - 23 of 23 products
Vodka Mosaic TileVodka Mosaic Tile
Glamour Mosaic TileGlamour Mosaic Tile
Monocrackle mosaic tile product image showing the mix of crackle effect glass, gunmetal diamante pieces in grey tonesMonocrackle mosaic lifestyle image being used as zoned area in shower
Glamour Bronze mosaic tile product image showing the different variations of bronze mirror and textured piecesGlamour Bronze Mosaic lifestyle image showing the product being used in the bathroom, behind a sink
Antwerp Mosaic TileAntwerp Mosaic Tile
Bangkok LinearBangkok Linear Mosaic Tile
Moderne Carrera product image showing the white mosaic with reflective glass piecesModerne Carrera lifestyle image showing the mosaic being used as a statement wall behind a bath in the bathroom
Glimmer Self-Adhesive mosaic tile product image showing the glittery Disco mosaicGlimmer Self-Adhesive mosaic being used to zone an area behind a sink
Mermaze Mosaic TileMermaze Mosaic Tile
Glimmer Copper Self-Adhesive mosaic product images showing the copper glitter effect piecesGlimmer Copper mosaic being used in a cream kictchen as a splashback
Jewel WhiteJewel White
Mayflower mosaic product image showing the mix of browns, whites and rose gold square piecesMayflower Self-Adhesive Mosaic lifestyle showing the mosaic being used behind a bathroom sink
Illumine self-adhesive mosaic tile product image showing the green, blue and green irridescent tones of the mosaicIllumine mosaic self-adhesive lifestyle image showing the mosaic being used as a feature wall in a bathroom
Niagara Mosaic TileNiagara Mosaic Tile
Dreamscape mosaic product shot showing the monochromatic colour scheme with glitter pieces in square formatDreamscape mosaic tile being used as a splashback behind a bathroom sink showing the monochromatic mosaic with glitter pieces
Gunmetal Luxe Mosaic TileGunmetal Luxe Mosaic Tile
Foil backed glass pieces with pops of metal rose gold pieces in brick formationRose Gold Elysee Mosaic Tile
Copper Antwerp product image showing the copper tones of the mosaicCopper Antwerp mosaic lifestyle image showing the mosaic being used behind a sink as a splashback
Jewel BlackJewel Black
Elysee Ice Mosaic glass tile product image, showing the mix of brushed aluminium, textured glass and frosted glass in a linear, rectangular patternElysee Ice lifetstyle image showing the mosaic being used as a splashback in a kitchen
Elysee Ice